Monday, June 11, 2007

Why don't you come up and see me sometime?

I will be the maid at the 5 year party for Sin City for burlesque beauties such as Miss Risk and her troupe of hotties. Make sure you come out and get the full Trishalicious experience! You can get tickets from Clubvibes or you can get them from me! See you Saturday!evilyn


eacebioisandalizuyahoocom said...

Here's a question for you guys - Michael isn't going to be setting up the photo booth, he's going to grab shots of the show and maybe some individuals instead. Should his staff thing get us in or should we get our hands on some tickets before they're gone? I just never like to assume these things.

mymorbidfascination759893 said...

You guys will be on the guest list, no worries!!

akashdylaa said...

My apartment is pretty messy too Miss Maid!! Feel free to stop by anytime in that cut little outfit! ;D

cunz9i1a8640 said...

Aw, thank you, hun!:)

tigraljutaja said...

you'd best take great care with my frillies or I might have to spank you ;)

diario2mperfeito4i said...

hey found u randomly, wondering if we can do the lj friend bitif its cool add me first so i know-fabrique